Well I went to the sprint store yesterday to go buy my highly-anticipated blackberry....but, there was tragic news. I couldn't get it. The blackberry HAS to have internet...blah blah blah....I was disappointed.
The sprint guy tried to show me some other phones, but I was not impressed one single bit. Finally, my dad told me that I was just better off getting the palm centro, the phone my sister and mom both have. I like it, but its just not the blackberry.
We bought the phone, and I think I'm having an attitude adjustment. I really do like the centro. It does everything I want...plus more.
So yes, I'm happy WITHOUT my blackberry :)
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Posted by kelli at 8:19 AM 4 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
New Phones are Phun!!
I've been waiting for this phone for 6 looooong months and tomorrow I finally get it!!My fingers are just itching to touch all those buttons. Yes, tomorrow I will be the owner of a Blackberry Curve!
Posted by kelli at 7:31 AM 1 comments
My Saturday
Yay! School's out for a month!! I'm so excited. I think this has been one of the hardest semesters of my life and I think I'm crazy for going back for Part 2 in the Spring. oh well.
I think I had about the best Saturday in about six months simply because I didn't have any deadlines looming over my head...and its Christmas! I absolutely love Christmas! It started out Saturday morning with Roddick and I getting to take our Christmas pictures for Christmas cards. It was a hoot. Bethany helped with the picture-taking, and we had to bring along dog treats so Rod could focus. It was fun.
Then we went to see Ryan play basketball. I haven't had a chance to see him play alot because of work, but it was a treat since I LOVE basketball. After that, Sarah and I went to a Christmas party for work. This is my first Christmas with the company, and so far I'm loving where I work :-) It was nice to see my co-workers in an environment other than work.
The real fun started when Sarah and I left the party and met Bethany, Pauline, and Bekah to go see the Christmas lights. (I've lived here my whole life, and I haven't seen them in about 5 years.) I absolutely love my girls and its always fun with them. Of course, we had to stop and take pictures by the lights we loved so that slowed us down a bit.
All in all, it was a busy Saturday, but I loved it!
Posted by kelli at 7:12 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
That's right...that's the first thought I had this morning when I woke up at the ungodly hour of 6:10 A.M. While this time may not seem early to some people, it is extremely early to someone who does not usually have class until 10:00 on somedays...and those are my early days!
I actually had a kinesiology meeting this morning at 7:20 and I was so glad I went. Our faculty adviser gave us money to go to Diegos for breakfast afterwards!! I love that place.
I usually don't like Wednesdays because I have my Chemistry lab and its from 2-5...I LOATHE lab days! They are soooo long and tedious. But there is a bright spot in my Wednesdays now. Our church is starting our fall campaign, and we are having our small groups on Wednesday nights now. Tonight was our first one and I really enjoyed it. I love small groups and I'm extremely excited about ours.
Well, I better finish my homework and go to bed...at least I can sleep in a little later tomorrow :)
Posted by kelli at 9:11 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Awesome Opportunity
The past few months I have been feeling a bit restless. It seems like the more I try to do to fill my days, the more restless I become. Very strange. I've been praying and asking God to give me peace, but its almost as if I feel something BIG is about to happen...I just don't know what. Uggh....I get so annoyed when God doesn't tell me everything!!
As most of you know, I'm studying to become a physical therapist and I'm still trying to get all my pre-reqs because ASU keeps adding new ones each year (or so it seems!), so I feel like I've been in school for a long time. This semester I'm taking 16 hours, but 3 of those classes might just knock me on my derriere. On top of work and school, I was trying to figure out a schedule for when I could volunteer at the rehab center. I need 50 hours before I can apply to PT school....Well, God, in all His wonderful grace came through for me.
This morning I got a call from a physical therapist that I've worked with before, and she told me about a position at the center, in which I could work every Tuesday and Thursday morning and possibly get paid. Plus, I'd be getting my volunteer hours that I need! She told me that she found my number from this summer when I volunteered at a camp and she wanted me to apply because there were only 2 spots open. I was so shocked that she would call me to tell me about this position, because I know alot of students would kill for it. Mostly, I was just thankful.
I'm not sure if I'll get the job, but that simple phone call was enough reassurance to me that God still remembers my insignificant struggles and is willing to help me out. I still have that feeling that something big is going to happen and I absolutely CANNOT wait....
Posted by kelli at 9:05 PM 3 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
Time for Haircuts
Both Roddick and I are in need of haircuts.
Just thought you should know.
Posted by kelli at 4:03 PM 0 comments
Why Did God Make Grasshoppers?
Seriously....they freak me out....big time. A couple of weeks ago I was driving downtown, minding my own business, and suddenly a grasshopper just hops his little self on my windshield and into my car. I started screaming and I think I may have swerved a little bit, because the whole thing just scared me and I really couldn't do anything but scream and whimper since I was driving. I could just imagine that nasty little grasshopper spreading "grasshopper" germs all over my car. I couldn't stand it anymore. I had to just pull over and look for the creature and shoo him out. Gross!
Then this past Sunday night, Sarah and I went to Coldstone for some ice cream. While we were walking back to our cars, a HUGE grasshopper landed on my neck and I went ballistic while Sarah laughed. What a friend.
I just hate grasshoppers and I think we could've lived in our world without so many grasshoppers....Ughh!!
Posted by kelli at 3:53 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Jury Duty
I got summoned for jury duty....I'm so excited! I don't know how everything works, but I've always wanted to be a juror. I don't know why, but I guess I just watched too many lawyer shows. I still have to fill out my paper work, but it doesn't look too hard. I actually got the letter in the mail while we were in San Antonio and was supposed to return it in 3 to 5 days. Oops. I'll be right on it tomorrow morning! Well, I better get to studying. I have my final tomorrow. Eek!!
Posted by kelli at 9:32 PM 1 comments
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Expiration Dates Are Important
This entire summer I have not had the privilege of having any type of vacation because I've either been working or going to school....or both. So, finally this weekend the family decided to just take a trip to San Antonio. Actually, my parents were here for business and they brought my brothers along, and Bethany and I met them up here last night (Friday) and we are staying until Sunday.
I have been looking forward to coming here to just shop and relax and....SLEEP!! I'm not technically done with school, but I'm close enough. Anyways, I can't ever take a trip without some sort of drama happening or me forgetting something....and with this trip, it had to do with my check card!
I knew that my check card was going to expire in August, and I kept looking for the new one at my parents house, but I never saw it and they never saw it to give it to me, so I just assumed that my bank was going to send it to me later (as in after August). I never did call my bank in time to get a new card, so here I am in San Antonio with an expired check card :(
I called one of my aunts who handles all of my finances, and she came up with a way that I could shop. Bless her heart! She said that I could transfer my money to my dad's account so that I could have that money to spend. Yay for loopholes!!
Posted by kelli at 11:08 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I'm a Horrible Mom
I took my dog to the vet today, and there was a dog just like him there....who was a BORDER COLLIE!!!
All along I've been telling people that my dog is half Australian Shepherd and half Lab. Good grief!
In my defense, that's what I was told at the pound when I paid 40 dollars for him. You would think they would at least tell me the right breed of dog!
So know I'm pretty sure my baby is a runt of border collie....oh well :(
Posted by kelli at 10:26 PM 2 comments
Life and Friends
I really went back and forth in my head whether or not I should blog about this particular subject, but I finally thought in my head, "Kelli, you never know who will read your blog, and maybe God will use your words for that person." So here it goes....
Last Sunday, my mom told me that one of my good friends that I went to school with at Cornerstone had been killed...Wow. Talk about so many emotions going through me. I didn't even know what to think.I took it pretty hard the first couple of days. I had never dealt with the death of someone I knew who was close to me in age before, so I had alot to think about. I started thinking about alot of the memories from when we were in school together and all the funny things that this person would do. I remember when we were in elementary, we got it in our heads to go out on the playground and dig in the dirt all the way to hell because we wanted to see what the devil looked like! Talk about a Christian education, huh? Anyway, I just didn't know how to deal with my emotions, and I would jsut start crying out of nowhere.
Sarah, one of the best friends I think I have ever had, came to the rescue. She called me on Tuesday and asked me if I wanted to help her plant some flowers. I thought it was strange, because I'm not the flower-planting type of girl, but I agreed. After we finished planting her three flowers, she told me that she read somewhere that being out in the sun and getting your hands dirty in the soil, planting flowers help with everyday sadness and depression.
I still feel sad over my friend and I don't think the situation is fair, but I know that God has blessed me with other friends who will help me when it seems like I don't know how to help myself. I hope that God has blessed you with friends like mine.
Posted by kelli at 10:12 PM 3 comments
Its Been So Long...
Its been so long since I've blogged that I forgot my password! Whoops :)
It finally came to me about the third or fourth try. I'm just glad it didn't kick me off.
So here's to everyone whose been waiting the past four months....I'm UPDATING!! yay!
Posted by kelli at 10:10 PM 3 comments
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Fun in the SUN....and other mishaps
Yesterday some of us girls went to the lake for the day and just hung out. We grilled hot dogs, played volleyball, tossed a frisbee, put our feet in the cold water....it was a picture perfect day. And then I had to have a "duh" moment. When we were finished playing volleyball, I was walking to put on my flip flops, and I was talking to Erin about something of the utmost importance. Well, I wasn't watching where I was going, and stepped in a HUGE bed of stickers. I screamed. Loud. One of the girls, bless her soul, carried me to a picnic table, where she and the others proceeded to take out the stickers. There were alot of stickers. I was very embarrassed. I'll have to put up a picture because Bekah was in the background taking pictures while the girls were taking the thorns out! Silly girl. It really was a funny moment. I've learned my lesson. I'm going to look down when I walk....or maybe I should just pay attention where I'm walking!
Posted by kelli at 12:11 PM 2 comments
Thursday, February 28, 2008
I think I have a weird addiction....the library!
I came here to study and I don't even have a test tomorrow.
I just feel like I HAVE to study and I have this weird feeling in my chest when I don't study.
I think I need professional help.
Posted by kelli at 8:51 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 18, 2008
Being in God's Will
This semester at school is turning out to be pretty good. Today, Bethany asked me how my physiology class was going and I told her it was hard. I'm having trouble balancing Spanish over Physiology and vice versa. I told her I tended to spend more time in Spanish, so she asked how Spanish was going.
"I'm doing pretty good in it, actually."
I guess there's my answer. I need to start working more in Physiology and a little less in Spanish. This whole story does have a point. Really. This semester, like I said earlier is incredibly stressful, but I know that I'm going to do well, because I'm in God's will. Last semester was incredibly hard for me. I was taking some tough classes. (Chemistry for one). I think I tended to freak out a little bit (or a lot) and not ask God's opinion on alot of things. I had some added stressors that affected my schoolwork and so I just thought I could NOT do it anymore! I know, I tend to be a bit dramatic. So what ended up happening, was that I changed my major because I thought I couldn't be a Physical Therapist anymore since I was having a bad semester.
However, God has shown me through so many people, mainly my family, that we don't get places by doing nothing. Being in God's will takes work and sometime's I may (and probably will) fall on my behind. All I can do is get back up and keep going.
This semester, being back in God's will and knowing that I will be a PT because I want to has given me so much joy. It must show in my face because a friend of mine noticed. Twice, when she has seen me, she asked me "Allright, who is he?"
Haha!! I know that is the glow that comes from God's grace on my life!
Posted by kelli at 6:10 PM 2 comments
My Wonderful Valentines
I'm just kidding! I wanted all of you to THINK I had an amazing valentine's and that this gorgeous guy took me to an amazing restaurant and bought me chocolates....blah blah blah....
P.S. I did get roses from my uncle. He sent them to my work and all the ladies at the office went ga-ga over them! Thank you Uncle Noe! They made me feel Special!
Posted by kelli at 5:54 PM 3 comments
Eating Healthy Feels Good
Bethany and I have been trying really really really hard to eat at home in order to save money. Goshdangit, it is sooo hard! I'm just being dramatic-its really not bad at all. Not only is it NOT bad, but it seems to be healthier, because we have been eating alot more chicken and we even bought some salmon to make. It was DEE-LI-CIOUS!! I actually cooked it. I had just finished watching Rachael Ray or something like that, so that got me in the mood, because I usually hate cooking. So, anyway, I grilled the salmon, and we had asparagus...and dun dun dun....we drank water! Man, we were feeling healthy! Haha...since its a big joke in my family about my cooking skills, I wanted to show off my culinary work. I am quite proud of it.My favorite part is the grill marks-and they are real!
Posted by kelli at 5:43 PM 1 comments
This Makes Me Laugh
This is one of Roddick's favorite toys. He absolutely loves this little teddy bear, and every time I try to clean up and put his toys in his toy bucket, this is the toy that he drags out. It was a cute bear a long time ago with two eyes and a nose, but being the, um, how shall I say it....energetic dog that he is...he seems to think he HAS to destroy it with everything else he destroys. The funny thing is, is that Roddick can't seem to keep toys, because he'll eat them. One time, Sarah, a good friend of mine, bought him a rubber toy, and Roddick chewed it into little pieces. Oh well. Hopefully someday my baby will not feel the need to eat everything in sight so people won't think that I'm neglecting my dog :(
Posted by kelli at 5:34 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
So Tired.....
Hmmmm.....I might have to try that....
Posted by kelli at 7:10 PM 1 comments
Monday, January 28, 2008
Its 4:41 in the afternoon and I am in the computer lab at ASU with a bunch of losers who are doing their homework. Ahem, they are not losers, as my parents would call them. They are probably studious, hard-working individuals who know a thing or two about time management. Whatever! I just had to come to check my e-mail. And lo and behold, what happened? My theta wave crashed in my brain and a blog is born.
You see, this is my last afternoon of freedom. My last afternoon to bask in the glory of "nothingess" as I like to call it, before I start my homework. I love the afternoons. Afternoons were meant for lovely naps! I was telling my friend, Sarah, that ever since I was jobless, I would come home after school and take a nap. Tis sweet bliss.
Now the bliss has ended. God has seen fit for me to go back into the real world. I had an interview this afternoon at an insurance company, Summit Global. I start work tomorrow. Yah! I am excited. Really I am. I had just hoped for maybe one more nap...oh well. I need something to do. (No, dad, mom, uncle lionel, and anyone else who is concerned....I do my homework at night. That's when my brain functions better!)
So basically, I am a WORKING WOMAN again! Woohoo! My dog can eat. I can buy shoes. And clothes. And pay my car payment!! Thank you sweet Jesus!
Posted by kelli at 2:41 PM 6 comments
Thursday, January 24, 2008
How Cold Weather Makes Me Feel...
Its Cold.
Its Rainy.
Its late.....
And I still have spanish homework....bleh!
I would totally skip school tomorrow since its raining, but I have four out of my five classes. Nice.
Posted by kelli at 8:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: Complaining
Sunday, January 20, 2008
A Funny Moment
Bethany was washing dishes tonight while I was on the computer (yes, life is good!) when I heard her exclaim, "Kelli!"
"Whenever you and Osi made pizza on Thursday, you cut the pizza with the plastic STILL on the pizza cutter!"
......Oh......Well, I thought it cut pretty well still.
Posted by kelli at 7:30 PM 3 comments
Please Pray
I applied for a job that I really want and that I believe I am really qualified for. ( That doesn't sound cocky, does it?). I won't tell you the place where I applied, but I do want to ask you to help me pray for this job. I should find out about the position the last week of January. I'll be sure to keep you informed!
Posted by kelli at 7:13 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Ode to the KOA
Bekah is on the left and Erin is on the right.
Posted by kelli at 5:15 PM 1 comments
Yes, I know. Before I begin this post, I do want to apologize for taking so long to blog. I'm trying, but its hard to blog :)
Well, Monday, the 14th was my first day back at school for the spring semester and boy, did I NOT want to go back! Yeah, I like school, but I like going for the social part of school. If there was a school with no homework or labs or deadlines, honey, I'd be in heaven!
My Monday morning did not start off the greatest. I absolutely HATE Monday mornings (I hate mornings, period), but I was running late this Monday. Of all Mondays, it had to be the first day back. I have Spanish III at 8, so I have to be there on time. Of course, I was late. I was five stinkin' minutes late!!! Oh, yes, I forgot to mention that I have one of the toughest Spanish profs. Uggghhh!!!! So, I stood outside the room debating whether to go in or not, seeing that I was late. I decided to suck it up and go in.
She nabbed me. She asks me (en espanol) "Why are you late?" My face turned bright red.
"Uhh, I forgot my book."
"You forgot your book on the first day of school?!" She was astonished, apparently.
I just smiled. (Please keep in mind that, yes, I am speaking in spanish because I was so nervous. Who woulda thought!)
She says to me, "I think that you were with your boyfriend. Were you with your boyfriend?"
"I don't have a boyfriend."
"No, I think you were with him...." And then she said some other stuff that I didn't understand.
Man, I'll never be late again!! I do like her. She seems like a good teacher, but man she's teaching me never to be late!
I have ALOT more interesting stories from this week but I'll spread them out since this one was long!
Posted by kelli at 4:56 PM 1 comments
Friday, January 11, 2008
I Told Roddick He's Going to the Circus
Is it bad that I lied to my baby? He absolutely hates going to the vet. I love our vet because he's so good with Roddick, but let's face it....I picked a wuss of a dog. Roddick needs to be updated on his rabies vaccine and his parvo vaccine. He also needs a new city tag because he lost that one playing at grandma's house. How a dog can lose a tag? Don't ask me. So anyways, I'm a little nervous taking him tomorrow morning because I know he'll drag his little (ahem...big) booty going in there then start wimpering the entire time. Gosh, last time we went, he didn't even cry when Dr. Russell gave him his shot. He started crying when he started getting his flea treatment! Talk about having his wires crossed. Oh well, I'm pretty sure I'll need your prayers!!
Posted by kelli at 2:29 PM 1 comments
This afternoon I went to a Bible Study at my aunt's work. This was their inaugural study and let me tell you...God showed up! Their were seven ladies who went and we each gave a testimony of what God had done in our lives. My grandmother (Wita) happened to be there and she told of when she was saved at the age of 15 and how she got her first Bible. Simply Amazing. After she was saved, she told her father that she wanted a Bible, but she didn't know where to get one, and he told her that the God would provide her one. (If I understood her correctly, her family got saved together.) So, being the new Christian that she was, would travel the three miles to church and tell everybody that she met about her new found Love.
It was when she was witnessing to one of her neighbors about Christ that the lady said that she did not read the Bible, and her husband had a Bible that he did not read either. My Wita told the lady that when she got a Bible, she would come back to the lady's house and show her where it said that Jesus loved her and died for her. The lady said that if she could find her husband, who was an engineer, and ask for that Bible, that he would most likely give it to her. So, off went my Wita in pursuit of this engineer. When she found him to ask about this precious Bible, he told her that he had sold it to a chemist in another colony, but to go to him.
What did Wita do? She traveled to this colony to find this chemist. It was nearly dark, but this was how badly she wanted a Bible. When she found the chemist, she asked him about this Bible. He went inside his house, came back with the Bible, and told her that it cost one dollar and thirty five cents. So she took out her hankerchief and gave it to the man in exchange for that Bible.
She says that when she got home, she showed the Bible to her father and siblings and they all read from it together because they were so happy to finally have God's Word in their home.
As my Wita was telling this story, I was moved to tears because I realized how much the Bible means to my grandmother. Often when I go to her house, she is sitting at the kitchen table studying her Bible and I never think anything of it. But now I know what she went through to get her very first Bible and how she never takes God's Word for granted. And how my behavior is the exact opposite. It seems as though I have so many Bibles and I take them for granted. I pray I will never do that again! I pray this story blesses you as it did me. Hopefully one day you can hear from my grandmother's lips because it has a much more profound effect than reading it on a computer.
Posted by kelli at 2:05 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Look Out (Blogging) World....
Here we come!!
Yep, this is my first time to blog. I have mixed feelings about blogging, but I think I'll like it for the most part. I'm not much of a writer, so just a fair warning to all. Oh! And Roddick is going to have a couple of excerpts himself. I know he wishes he could just tell someone...anyone...about his life here with me and his "tia."
Well, I'm beat...I'm going running tomorrow morning so I'd better get my beauty sleep in case I meet my husband tomorrow. That's another thing....Roddick's looking for a daddy!! *Just kidding, Dad!!
Posted by kelli at 7:59 PM 5 comments