Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Kinda Cool

Let me just start off by saying that I absolutely LOVE the people I work with. Of course everyone has their flaws and some people will get on my nerves, and I tend to get along more with some than with others, but for the most part, I work with some pretty great people. And that was confirmed last night.

One of the nurses from L&D came over to the Nursery and told us that she was selling raffle tickets (I know, Dad!!) for a benefit for her cousin. Her cousin has pancreatic cancer and has used up all her insurance on the medicine she is on, so her family is trying to raise money to pay for the rest of her medication.

Not two seconds after she asked if we wanted to buy tickets, the nurses that were in the room grabbed their wallets to give money without a second thought. And they gave generously. I was amazed that they would give so much money to a lady they have never met.

When I left work, I was happy because now I really know what kind of people I work with...people who really do care for others in need.

Being in College is the Pits this point in my college career, college stinks!

  • I go to bed late every night...I think I can count on one hand the number of times I've been in bed before twelve. Sheesh.
  • I have a job I love, but lets face it, without a degree, I'm getting paid peanuts. And you can't pay bills with peanuts! Hehe..
  • Speaking of work, I'm at work more than I am at home. I love what I do, but not THAT much!
  • The past three weeks, I've had tests and projects due in just about every class. Bleh.
  • I tried Red Bull but it just wasn't for me.
  • I haven't hung out with my friends in forever! I forgot what they looked like :)
On the upside:

  • Yes, Dad, I know this is temporary!!
  • I've made new friends at school because of a project in one of my classes. I love new friends.
  • My dad pays for me alot since I'm always broke! (That's an up for me but a downer for him)
  • My coworkers make work bearable for me...
Well that's all of my complaining for now...I think I'm in a mood.