I think I have a weird addiction....the library!
I came here to study and I don't even have a test tomorrow.
I just feel like I HAVE to study and I have this weird feeling in my chest when I don't study.
I think I need professional help.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Posted by kelli at 8:51 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 18, 2008
Being in God's Will
This semester at school is turning out to be pretty good. Today, Bethany asked me how my physiology class was going and I told her it was hard. I'm having trouble balancing Spanish over Physiology and vice versa. I told her I tended to spend more time in Spanish, so she asked how Spanish was going.
"I'm doing pretty good in it, actually."
I guess there's my answer. I need to start working more in Physiology and a little less in Spanish. This whole story does have a point. Really. This semester, like I said earlier is incredibly stressful, but I know that I'm going to do well, because I'm in God's will. Last semester was incredibly hard for me. I was taking some tough classes. (Chemistry for one). I think I tended to freak out a little bit (or a lot) and not ask God's opinion on alot of things. I had some added stressors that affected my schoolwork and so I just thought I could NOT do it anymore! I know, I tend to be a bit dramatic. So what ended up happening, was that I changed my major because I thought I couldn't be a Physical Therapist anymore since I was having a bad semester.
However, God has shown me through so many people, mainly my family, that we don't get places by doing nothing. Being in God's will takes work and sometime's I may (and probably will) fall on my behind. All I can do is get back up and keep going.
This semester, being back in God's will and knowing that I will be a PT because I want to has given me so much joy. It must show in my face because a friend of mine noticed. Twice, when she has seen me, she asked me "Allright, who is he?"
Haha!! I know that is the glow that comes from God's grace on my life!
Posted by kelli at 6:10 PM 2 comments
My Wonderful Valentines
I'm just kidding! I wanted all of you to THINK I had an amazing valentine's and that this gorgeous guy took me to an amazing restaurant and bought me chocolates....blah blah blah....
P.S. I did get roses from my uncle. He sent them to my work and all the ladies at the office went ga-ga over them! Thank you Uncle Noe! They made me feel Special!
Posted by kelli at 5:54 PM 3 comments
Eating Healthy Feels Good
Bethany and I have been trying really really really hard to eat at home in order to save money. Goshdangit, it is sooo hard! I'm just being dramatic-its really not bad at all. Not only is it NOT bad, but it seems to be healthier, because we have been eating alot more chicken and we even bought some salmon to make. It was DEE-LI-CIOUS!! I actually cooked it. I had just finished watching Rachael Ray or something like that, so that got me in the mood, because I usually hate cooking. So, anyway, I grilled the salmon, and we had asparagus...and dun dun dun....we drank water! Man, we were feeling healthy! Haha...since its a big joke in my family about my cooking skills, I wanted to show off my culinary work. I am quite proud of it.My favorite part is the grill marks-and they are real!
Posted by kelli at 5:43 PM 1 comments
This Makes Me Laugh
This is one of Roddick's favorite toys. He absolutely loves this little teddy bear, and every time I try to clean up and put his toys in his toy bucket, this is the toy that he drags out. It was a cute bear a long time ago with two eyes and a nose, but being the, um, how shall I say it....energetic dog that he is...he seems to think he HAS to destroy it with everything else he destroys. The funny thing is, is that Roddick can't seem to keep toys, because he'll eat them. One time, Sarah, a good friend of mine, bought him a rubber toy, and Roddick chewed it into little pieces. Oh well. Hopefully someday my baby will not feel the need to eat everything in sight so people won't think that I'm neglecting my dog :(
Posted by kelli at 5:34 PM 1 comments